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The Absentee Owner
Tonight I endep up staying over at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. My friend Soledad from Peru is staying here for a week, we are pretty good friends, but recently she only calls me when she has sentimental troubles with her boyfriend, it seems that they are going to break up again, but it’s the same story, the anecdotes make no difference in the end, like a roulette with just one color, let’s say red, casino red... What is it that makes her cling to him anyway? I can’t believe a human creature can get so attached to only one person... She leaves me alone after a couple of hours, and I can not help but thinking about my own owner… Oh just the way I feel right now, I can understand how a luxury prostitute could feel without a client, or even without a pimp -an owner-, available in the middle of the night, sad and humiliated by the coldness and the plastic pride of the paraphernalia of a five stars hotel. Alone to death, but at the same time decadently longing a mysterious encounter with a young and joyful bandit to finally smash her of pleasure… Shucks! I’d better go take a shower…
今夜は結局リッツ・カールトンに泊まることになった。ペルーの友だちのSoledadもここに一週間前からいる。仲はいいけれど、彼女は最近彼氏とうまくいってないときにだけ私を呼び出す。どうせまた別れそうに思えるのだけど、結局カジノで赤一色のルーレットをしているようなもの。どうしてずっと彼に執着するのだろう。私は人間という生き物が、誰かひとりにだけ惹かれるなんてことが理解できない。彼女が私を置いて出て行って数時間経つ。私は自分のあるじのことを考えてしまう。あぁ、今の気分なら客のいない高級娼婦の気持ちもわかる。客引き、つまり主人さえもおらず、五つ星ホテルの寒さに恥ずかしくて耐えられない、手持ち無沙汰の真夜中。孤独でいながら、でも投げやりな気持ちで若い男との刺激的な出会いを求めながら……。あぁ! シャワーを浴びた方がよさそうね。
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