Thanks for celebrating the attractive levity of life with me. I wish I could be bagatelle for ever, but c'est pas possible. To be honest, I don't want it! I leave you with the photos of the party plus an interview about my exhibition Bagatelle. Take care and see you soon...
///Where is here?
A small apartment in Tokyo. But what's important here is not the space, neither the action per se, my personal approach to these situations of frivolousness is from the fragile side, to show the ambiguity of the perfect moments.
Among the guests were artist Yasushi Ebihara. Tokyo Photo's director Tomo Harada. Art collectors Keita Arisawa, Johnnie Walker, Mitsuru Shimazu and Satoshi Okada. Show girl Jasmine. Model Nakao. Special thanks to Willa's co-hostess Vivienne Sato, to the fabulous Lauren Levitt aka Cotton Bale for performance, to selector kyc//phi., and to curator Azusa Shintaku.

///What has been bagatelle in your recent days?
I was in the gymnasium riding the stationery bike while watching the Winter Olympics on the command screen. Suddenly a beautiful contestant showed on the ice-floor skating so effortless and ethereally like a spirit. I saw my neighbors on the rest of bikes, we were all staring at him, captivated by the grace and elegance of the dancer. What's more, being in a gym full of heavy and tough people, I could feel we all wanted to be as beautiful and delicate as the skater, for a brief instant, life was a precious and fragile state of mind for all of us.

///Getting back at your photos, are they lovers?
It's up to you. For me, they are lovers in a very broad sense, principally they share the same moral.

///Are they eternal?
Not them. The bagatelle is eternal.
///As Galle, what is to love someone?
To love someone is a logical consequence of it all... I hope...

///Show us some art objects that call to mind this bagatelle feeling?
"La Cienaga" and "La Nina Santa" by Lucrecia Martel. The beautiful idle Sicilian boys in Wilhem Von Gloeden's photography. The Rococo, of course. "Puce Moment" by Kenneth Anger. Many of the paintings by the impressionists Renoir and Degas. Also Edward Hopper. J.D. Salinger's Nine Stories. Poems by Blanca Varela. "The White Balloon" by Jafar Panahi. "L'eclisse" and "Blow Up" by Michelangelo Antonioni. "Mouchette" and "Pickpocket" by Robert Bresson. Valses by Chopin and Jazz music, specially the pure Ella Fitzgerald! Back in the 20's, the divine flappers! Shigenobu and in general the exquisite Japanese Ukiyoe prints depicting beauties and geishas. BUT maybe the best of all is Rembrandt's collection of self-portraits (insubstantial and even feigned in the best way!), and Rubens' muses: their lascivious almond eyes, their fresh insolence as though they were always up for the next rape, their glowing vibrant voluptuousness, they make me happy! OH.. Chloe Sevigny looks like them hahaha...

PROMO: a frivolous remark: six rectangles of irrelevance by Gallermic Next Willa is about the attractive levity of life. Bagatelle is a beautiful literary word that describes a light frivolous thing. Willa is idle, intrascendent and extremely useless like a poem about daylight, or like a painting hanging on the wall. Like art itself, Willa contemplates a private world, a better one, possible in the unreal and bagatelle at the backbone. Willa は "Bagatelle" を宣言する | Gallermicによる、六つの長方形の無関係:惰性の思索。。。今回のWillaは、生命の蠱惑的な儚さを取り 上げる。"Bagatelle" は修辞的な文藝用語で、矮小な事物を意味する。Willaは、陽の光の詩や、壁に架かった絵画のように、全くの徒らだ。藝術そのものが如く、 Willaはさらに非現実的かつ怠惰な、内なる世界を背後に目して沈思する。 ![]() |

PROMO: 2/21 sat, 8pm - 5am Featuring: Faux~queen performance by Cotton Bale Hosted by Gallermic & Vivienne Sato Music: Kyc//phi. & Querelle Entry fee: 1500Yen(1drink) "Bagatelle" series. Some rectangles of irrelevance by Gallermic that will be on display at Magic Room in Nadiff, Ebisu's intellectual spot. ![]() |
See you next Willa! 3/20